Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kiss With a Fist

Loving the Florence and the Machine CD... and love, love, loving the puppies more than anything~  So for today's I will combine the two!

Flo and the Machine will do the singing, while Lucy and Ricky provide the choreography...


Laurie said...

LOL!!! Lucy can't figure out which is Ricky and which is the toy. Nothing like a rousing game of "bite yer face off" to burn off some puppy energy.

pandaparade said...

Yay puppies! Ok next time I come over, I have to train them :) I love to work with them! Great video!

Lis said...

Sighs ...

Charlie Brown was right ... happiness is a warm puppy and pure joy is 2 puppies playing!

Oh, and puppy smell? I'm swooning here ...